Welcome to BAOYUE ! We provide One-stop buying agency services from Yiwu Market with Low Commission, Contact us to get a free Quote :

  • Low Commission
    Low to 1%
  • 15 Years
    Export Experience

Contact Us

Got a question about our company buying agency services ? Need someone to help guide you through our website ? Got feedback? We make it easy for you to get in touch with us!

For Common Questions, Please Click on the image below and refer to FAQ .

Warmly welcome to contact us ! any question or suggestion, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly. Usually, we will reply you within 24 hours when we get your information, thank you for your attention !

For Wholesale services and Container Sending by Sea and freight cost, please check this link to get more information: https://www.yiwubuyagency.com/shipping-cost-and-sales-tax/
For Enquiry, you can email us or send us information in the contact form as below.

Check more information about Yiwu buying agency services , you can Click on BAOYUE  Buying Agency Services  link to read relevant articles about One-Stop Buying agency services from BAOYUE EXPORT, Thank you for your attention.

Address: Room 2705, Time Square Building A, Jiangdong Road , Yiwu, Zhejiang, China
WeChat & WhatsApp: +86 15067090376
Cellphone Contact.
(+86) 15067090376 Donnie
(+86) 158 2579 5954 May
(+86) 133 9689 5216 James

WeChat & WhatsApp: +86-15006790306
(WhatsApp is recommended, as sometimes there is network problem with Wechat in China)
Website: www.yiwubuyagency.com

Working Time:
BAOYUE EXPORT office is located in China, Answer phones: 9:00 – 18:00 (GMT +8:00) China, Monday – Saturday

China Time Now:

Please Note :
Warmly welcome you visit us ! Please take a few minutes to fill the form with more details about your buying agency services:
Please tell us about about your trip, and please let’s know: Which products you need to purchase from Yiwu Market ? When you will Visit our company ? If you need help to get Invitation ? if you need Airport Pick up services , Book hotel services ? and please let us which language translator you need . we will try our best to arrange everything well for your trip . any question, please don’t hesitate to tell me. Thank you for your cooperation.

Contact Form Below: